About Us
- About Us
- Quality
Success at 3P innovation is driven by our exceptional quality performance.
As a leading supplier to the pharmaceutical, medical device and other highly-regulated sectors, we operate a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS), accredited to ISO9001:2015.
The high quality of our engineering design and development work is matched by the calibre of the build and performance levels of our machines and equipment. Designing and developing robust manufacturing processes is core to our DNA. Our philosophy is centred on developing machines and processes with 6 sigma process capability and we therefore base our engineering decisions on statistically-sound, evidence based solutions and the strong application and understanding of the physics involved in a manufacturing process.
Where required, we offer a comprehensive machine validation service as an essential aspect of machinery and equipment supply to pharmaceutical and medical device customers. Our equipment complies fully with current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) guidelines, which allows us to meet the most stringent requirements of the world’s most demanding regulatory bodies.
Sustainability of the 3P brand relies on supply chain performance, as well as our supplier development team who proactively engage with an extensive supply base to manage product-quality and process; this reinforces our 'right-first-time' philosophy.
Our continuous commitment to quality is highly valued by our clients and has also been recognised through our recent achievements; a Queen’s Award for Innovation and a Queen’s Award for International Trade.